John 1:1-5
My favorite book in the Bible is John. He has the ability to communicate things in a way that is almost poetic. I thought it would be fun to write all of John, chapter 1, but expound on each verse with my own words. So far, I have done verses 1-5. So here it is…..
In the beginning, before there was ever such a thing as time or space, before the stars were hung in the vast darkness, or the sun was put into place; long before the first note was ever sung by an angel choir and ages before the footprints of man were ever left behind on the soft sands that run parallel to the ocean waves…there existed the Word. Not just words on a page as we understand them to be, but the living Word, breathing, moving, speaking, radiating with power, truth and a love that most of us have only experienced bits and pieces of. Not only was the Word with God, existing and walking continually in His presence, but the Word was God; fully integrated with, equal to and inseparable from God. He was with God in the beginning. He was not born within the restraints of time. He was not thought up or imagined in the mind of God and pieced together out of the dust of the Earth. He simply just “was”…always, and from the very beginning.
And when it was time to hang
the sun, to put the planets and stars in their place, to separate the waters
from the land and to bring forth living creatures to occupy the oceans and roam
upon the earth, it was the powerful roaring sound of the Word that breathed
these things into existence. Without Him, the Word, nothing was made that has
been made. It was in Him that life resided, and with that, the power to create
life. To bring man, with all of his mysterious complexities, out of the dust of
the Earth. The power of life that the Word possesses is a radiant light that
shines over all mankind. The Word is a light that shines brighter than any
darkness. It seeps into the cracks and crevasses where evil loves to hide and exposes those things that strive to defame the Word. And
though the darkness fought desperately to overcome the radiant light of the
Word, it could not. For the light was stronger than the darkness.