This Little Light of Mine
You might be thinking "who cares?! What does this have to do with anything?". Well, I think this concept holds some significant spiritual truths. You see, the light that is in us is permanent. We have been adopted, brought into God's family, given the light of Christ, and then sealed by the Holy Spirit. In order for darkness to have any power over us, the light that is in us must first be extinguished. But the light that is in us can never be put out. Because of Christ, we have an eternal glow. So, no matter how much darkness the enemy throws at us, our light will eternally shine. And not just that, but the more darkness that surrounds us, the brighter our light shines. All this to say that we need not fear darkness. Darkness is no competition for those in the light. Darkness is merely there to illuminate Christ's light in us. That is why our love, our kindness, and our generosity seem like such a contrast to the darkness that unbelievers live in. As lights set on a hill, we have the power to shoo away that darkness, and reveal that which has remained hidden. Though they may not be able to explain it or pinpoint it, the secular world does notice something different in us. And to those who are being saved, it is like a beautiful aroma that draws them in. But to those who are perishing, it is revolting, like the stench of death. So, let us be the aroma that propels others forward in one direction or the other. And just like the song, "This Little Light of Mine", let us hold fast to our little lights, and let them shine whenever and wherever we can, because we can't fully know what hides in the darkness until we shine our lights at it.