Well, I haven't blogged for a while. Life has seemed kind of busy lately. But, a good kind of busy. We find ourselves tired a lot, yet so happy with the life God has given us. We feel so blessed to have our 13 year old neice living with us. It is teaching us so much about God's faithfulness. David and I are so unprepared and illequipped to be raising a teenager, yet God always knows exactly what He is doing. We find ourselves continually having to give things over to Him, and what He returns to us always leaves us in awe of His goodness. I am learning that parenting has less to do with what you do, and so much more to do with how much you trust the Lord to do for you. I'm learning that it's not about the right rules or lectures. It's about love, and letting the Lord do it through you. Parenting is a lot of work, but trusting the Lord makes it so I'm not afraid of it. I'm not overwhelmed by it.